Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Oyster Roast and Bonfire Date Announced

It is getting to be that time of year when all you really want to do is hang out outside with friends - so, we hereby present to you an event where you can do just that.

It is the First Annual SC Net Impact Oyster Roast and Bonfire, Thursday, October 13th at the Sugar Shack. In addition to all the oysters you can eat there will also be low-country favorites such as Chicken Gumbo and Boiled Peanuts. And for all you non-eaters out there, beverages will also be available. Tickets are $12 dollars in advance and $15 dollars the day of the event, so be sure to reserve your spot early. Tickets will be on sale next Wednesday and Thursday (October 5th and 6th) in the BA lobby from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Remember, this is an open event so please feel free to bring folks along!

What:                SC Net Impact Oyster Roast
When:               October 13th in the evening (tickets on sale October 5th and 6th in the BA lobby)
Where:              Sugar Shack
Who:                 Open to anyone who wants to attend
How (Much):    $12 before and $15 the day of the event

For more information please email us at, or track down our fundraising chair Jessica Jordan (check the Officers page).

Hope to see you there!

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